How to fix continuous crashing on your jailbroken iPhone

You may have faced the continuous crashing of your jailbroken iPhone (Stuck in boot logo) after installing  some tweaks or unsupported tweaks which is really annoying & you’re forced to restore your iPhone, iPad & iPod Touch from iTunes which loses your jailbreak. But we have a tricky method that helps you to fix this problem without loosing your jailbreak

You may have faced the continuous crashing of your jailbroken
iPhone (Stuck in boot logo) after installing  some tweaks or unsupported tweaks which is
really annoying & you’re forced to restore your iPhone, iPad &
iPod Touch from iTunes which loses your jailbreak. But we have a tricky method that helps you to
fix this problem without loosing your jailbreak.

So here’s the step by step method to fix continuous crashing
on your iPhone :

Step 1: Hold down Power button & Home button for 10-15 secs till you see apple boot logo again.

Step 2: Hold Volume Up button immediately until your iPhone
turns on.
You’re now at Safe Mode.

Step 3: Now “Slide To Unlock” your device and go to Cydia.

Step 4: Search for Cydia Substrate & Remove it.
Note: It will uninstall all your installed tweaks.
You may have faced the continuous crashing of your jailbroken iPhone (Stuck in boot logo) after installing  some tweaks or unsupported tweaks which is really annoying & you’re forced to restore your iPhone, iPad & iPod Touch from iTunes which loses your jailbreak. But we have a tricky method that helps you to fix this problem without loosing your jailbreak

Step 5: Respring your device and you have a Cydia on your
Home Screen. You can now installed your favorite tweaks again.

That’s it… You’re fixed.